Friday, December 7, 2012

Google's New "Page Layout Algorithm" For Pages With Too Many Ads

It's been more than 9 months since Google launched the Panda update. Apart from the content farms; webmasters were trying to figure out some patterns that includes bounce rate, ads blah! blah! But nothing was officially confirmed before Google announced its new algorithm named Page Layout Algorithm for pages with too many ads.

The purpose of the new algorithm is to target websites who bury the content under a load of ads. This Page Layout Algorithm is determined to hit the websites that serve ads "above the fold" and have placed content beneath or websites filled with overwhelming ads.

Sites that are creating more content "above-the-fold" than the ads on a page will not be affected by this change. Google will be penalizing those who use more ads "above-the-fold" than the whole page. Apparently Google is trying to become a human. Gradually, they are coming up with changes that are highly advantageous from user point of view and SEO is getting more complicated. As far as page layout Algorithm is concerned, If your website do not serve ads "above-the-fold" then you are almost safe from Google's wrath.

Will affect not more than 1% Websites

Google stated that it will only affect 1% of the total websites globally who have ads on their websites. But don't just ignore this message as their 1% can have millions of websites.

Penalizing only Static Ads/Fixed Ads

Google also confirmed that it is not penalizing the websites that are using the pop-up, pop-under ads or overlay ads on their websites. This algorithm is only applying to the static or fixed ads on the pages of the websites.

Google also owns more ads on its SERP Page?

Here comes the controversy! This is the real fact that Google also serves ads "above the fold" in its organic results so are they going penalize Google as they did with Google Chrome Browser? Just a thought that popped up in my mind!

What if your website is hit?

If your website has been penalized for having too many ads then remove "above the fold" ads and place them under your content. Once you change the layout it will take an unknown time to recover from the penalty. Google says, it could take a few weeks before we re-adjust SERPs of your website and restore your traffic. It also depends on the website pages that are indexed and how frequently Google crawl the website.

If your website is hit by Google Panda or Page Layout Algorithm then contact us to help you get out of it.

Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   

The Best of the Best Search Engine Gurus

As it happens to be the case, people usually want to have the very best of everything. They are not usually interested in all the options available. Neither do they like exploring for the best alternative. They want to get stuff done fast and easy. No one likes running the extra mile for an errand. Nowadays, search engines are being used very often as they denote a vast library of information with infinite bounds. To facilitate the users of search engines, the following list is a good gauge for where to start from when in times of distress (another name for negative stress).

1. Duck Duck Go

This service resembles Google quite a lot, but in reality it differs from it from the very core. Where Google tracks user information and search history, Duck Duck Go believes in exactly the opposite. They think that saving any user's personal history is an infringement against someone's privacy and should not be taken lightly. The clean and ad-free interface adds a lot to the charm. Add to that zero-click policy, where all your answers are found on the first page and you've got yourself a nice deal at a very cheap price.

2. Ask (a.k.a. Ask Jeeves)

The AJ is an old household name in the field of the search engines. Its cleaner interface leads to its results being a lot more understandable than Google, Bing or Yahoo. The result groupings are also quite nicely done, due to which it gets more points for the interface. A clean and organized interface, and that's just about it to compete with the major shareholders in the market of the search engines.

3. The Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is a favorite pastime for long time users of the internet. It is as the name suggests an archive of everything on the internet. It has pictures and clippings of events that happened in the past and allows you to travel back in time by going to the specific date. You may not visit the site as frequently as you open up Google, Yahoo or Bing, but the trip down memory lane would be more than worth it.

4. Yippy (former Clusty)

Yippy is a deep web engine that searches through other search engines and filters the relevant information for you. Unlike other search engines which just brush against the service, Yippy actually takes a plunge into the real data and tries to find out things which are relevant to you in the most obscure of databases. For instance, obscure blogs, government information, academic research and any other hidden data. So if your required research lies embedded within a hidden database, then Yippy is the thing for you.

5. Yahoo!

Yahoo is an all-in-one package. It has a news aggregator, games center, shopping center, travel information service, holiday advice, email service and a search engine. The unleashing of a whole portal to the user opens up a new range of possibilities. For all those who think that searching the web is all about learning and experimentation, Yahoo is the thing for you.

Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   

How to Promote Your Website Online

For most businesses, it is crucial to promote your website online, but there are many inexpensive methods to easily promote your website if you have a small advertising budget. The internet market is booming and every one desires to have his/her own website, whether for business or personal use. If you do not know how to promote your website online, then your website will become unnoticed on the Internet due to huge competition.

The first way to promote your website is SEO (search engine optimization). This method helps you to improve the ranking of your website on all the major search engines and most of traffic can be attracted through this technique. If you have a higher budget, and you feel no hesitation in utilizing it, then you can use online advertisement method. In this method, you buy ads on other websites. Many individuals cannot afford this and most companies outsource their campaigns due to inexperience.

Another technique is offline advertising. In this technique, you can advertise your business on magazines, newspapers and billboards. Similarly in "buying traffic", you can place your banners and ads on other websites for a monthly fee. All above mentioned techniques are costly and an individual may not be able to afford them. While SEO is cost effective and efficient as well, many companies are reluctant to move in this direction due to their limited knowledge. The key is to learn the basics of SEO or find a suitable expert in the field to help with all aspects of SEO and Search Marketing. Using this methodology will increase your chances that you will receive TARGETED traffic to your website.

Example: Suppose if you are having a computer business and your website is ranked on the first page of the SERP's (search engine results page), for the term "buy computers on discount". Potentially, thousands of people searching for special discounted computers will find your website. SEO can be an easy and convenient strategy for your "first round" of your campaign. What SEO do for your website:

1. It can place your website at top of search engines. 2. It can potentially bring hundreds and thousands of people from all over the world to your website. 3. It can increase your bottom line and ROI.

You should have a proper knowledge and tools that are utilized to promote website on search engine. If you do not have knowledge, you can find out many articles and blogs about the usage of these tools. If you do not have time, hire a SEO professional who can do the work for you according to your needs. Be leery of anyone who claims "number one listing" on any of the search engines. Find an SEO with great references and knowledge so your site performs as intended, which might be higher conversions of a form submission, donation or product purchase.

Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   Benefits of Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization   The Mad Hatter: An Online Media Planner's Many Roles   Keyword Article Marketing 101   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   

Search Engine Marketing Tips For 2012

Search engine marketing for 2012 will continue to show the improvements that have been made in the last year and a half thanks to companies, such as Google, keeping the users' experience at the forefront of their thoughts and plans. While that may mean more work for some websites, the ultimate goal of a long term success story should be to give the visitors what they want. If you are not doing that now, then it will be impossible to do so unless you resolve to improve content and meet your audience where they are. If you are wondering what search engine marketing tips you should be mindful of in 2012, then consider the following:

1. Forget about stuffing

Keyword stuffing does not work anymore. Using a phrase or word 8 times in a 500 word piece may have been the ultimate necessity 5 years ago, but today, it's about relevancy. Users have the option to directly express how helpful they found a particular listing. As more and more use is found in a link, the search engines start to weigh that particular page with greater importance. If you are doing your part to target the right keywords and then focus on content instead of the keywords themselves, you will be much better off as a result.

2. Take a more active role in the content of your site

While you may not want to write the articles or shoot the videos and podcasts directly, you should still be taking an active role in the production. The content that you create requires your unique perspective and expertise to stand out from the rest. By bringing your passion to the page, you will be in a much better position to succeed moving forward.

3. Forge ahead with link bait and backlinks

Link bait pieces are specifically designed to get people talking. Think about how you may be able to emphasize a unique point of view that will serve as a discussion starter. If you can bring this to the content that you produce, then you are well on your way to building the backlinks you need to catapult your website to the top of the search engine rankings.

4. Contribute to your community

Not only are bots looking at relevancy, they're also looking at user engagement. Don't pretend like your audience doesn't exist. No one can run a website in a vacuum. It needs an audience to survive, and only if you get involved will you be able to build the sense of community necessary for long term success.

With all these things in place, 2012 can be a great year for your site as it moves up the search engine rankings and finds a new and stronger audience.

Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   Three Key Questions Before Starting Your Social Media Campaigns   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   

SEO Specialists - Beware

Search engine optimization (SEO) can have a significant impact on your search engine ranking and ultimately the number of potential customers that visit your site. Without question, SEO has become a major marketing strategy for companies large and small. Using natural or unpaid methods you can improve your visibility in search engines, but many internet marketing companies offer hard and fast promises that can be described as little more than a scam. Indeed, SEO scams are increasingly common because of the popularity of the internet and the desire to quickly access the benefits of a virtual marketplace.

Many search engine marketing "specialists" try to lure new clients by making unreasonable promises. In fact, it can be easy to spot a scammer just from the promises they make. In general, beware of any internet marketing professional that makes any or all of the following claims:

You'll get almost immediate results from your SEO campaign. You'll be at the top of search engine rankings. Your website will be submitted to thousands of search engines. You can buy links to improve your link building. Our methods are highly effective but top secret.

When it comes to SEO marketing, business owners need to be given realistic expectations of results. Improving your search engine rankings is one thing, but converting those improvements to new customers is another. I can easily build a website that tops search engine rankings, but this might mean that I'm manipulating obscure key words that clients aren't realistically searching. A truly successful SEO strategy takes time to build and should be developed according to your product or service and your target audience. Similarly, chosen keywords may be relevant to your business, but they may not convert to website traffic if these keywords are never searched. Even if your internet marketing professional can provide page one search results for all search engines, you also need to make sure these results convert to leads from your website.

Indeed, page rankings are simply a means to an end. Leads or sales are your ultimate goal, and building quality customers is always a process and one that is rarely achieved immediately. Unethical internet marketers may also employ "Black Hat" techniques that can result in penalties for your website. So-called black hat techniques disregard search engine rules and regulations, present content in an unethical fashion, and generally degrade the user experience. Keyword stuffing, invisible text, and doorway pages are examples of these dodgy techniques that may be effective in the short term but will almost always lead to penalties that decrease your websites visibility in the long term.

Similarly, scammers may offer to sell you links, which may seem appealing on the surface. But just randomly building links that you pay for will not necessarily improve the visibility of your site. Powerful links are meaningful links that are closely associated with your customer base and product or service. Again, hoping for instant results with little work is almost always a recipe for failure.

Most importantly, your internet marketing professional should be open and honest about the techniques he or she will use in your SEO strategy. Secret methods exclude you from the decision making process; but a respectful and effective search engine marketing specialist will be able to show you some concrete plans for building visibility. You should have options presented to you and different packages that match your budget and your ethics.

Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   How to Make Money Online Writing Articles - An Introduction   Steps To Do Keyword Research   

3 Reasons to Use Article Marketing As Your New Marketing Tool

If you want to increase traffic your business' website, you should consider utilizing article marketing as an advertising tool.

Article marketing is a quick, inexpensive way to market or advertise your services or products and drive traffic to your website. You write articles, or pay someone else to, that are related to your product or service and post them to high-traffic online sites called article directories. Then, as people search for related topics and find these articles, they can learn about your website, your products and business.

Here are three reasons to consider using article marketing to promote your website.

When done right, it can send potential clients to your website. As people search for information about topics relevant to your product or service, they will find articles that send them to your website. Not only is this traffic to your site, but it's targeted traffic as these are people were looking for information related to your business. Because the information is presented to potential clients in an article rather than through a paid advertisement, they're much more likely to pay attention to the information and to consider the information as much more credible than an advertisement and less likely to shut it out. Furthermore, through those articles, potential clients will view you as credible and as an expert in your business. That can only be beneficial to your bottom line. It works forever. The articles posted will be on the Internet as long as you leave them there, driving clients to your website forever. Article marketing works no matter how old your website. You don't need to replace your current website to use this form of marketing. Instead, you just need to post the articles to directories and direct them to your website. It works no matter how young or old the website it. It improves your rank with the search engines. Search engines can take up to a year to index a website. By utilizing article marketing, you will increase traffic to your website, improving your credibility with the search engines and helping to get your site indexed. It will continue to provide traffic to your website in years to come.

Article marketing is an inexpensive way to bring potential clients to your website. If you haven't tried this method of marketing for your business, consider these three reasons to begin using it to help drive traffic to your website today and increase sales tomorrow.

Three Reasons to Utilize Website Marketing Services   How to Get Traffic Using Offline Methods   Strategies Always Matter in Search Engine Marketing   Can You Optimize Your Own Website?   Why Hire an Article Marketing Service?   3 Reasons Quality Content Is Crucial to Your Internet Marketing Plan   

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